Acupressure points for indigestion (bloating, nausea, gas, burping, heartburn)

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Have you ever suffered with indigestion? It may show up in the form of  bloating, gas, nausea, burping, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation  or stomach pain.

When you are dealing with digestive disorders it is usually from inflammation of the digestive tract, which leads to decreased digestion and absorption of nutrients. Using acupressure can help heal the inflamed digestive lining by restoring balance to your body which in turn, creates the flow of energy throughout the body and removes blocked, stagnant, disrupted energy. 

I think we have all been in that place where we ate too much and then feel completely miserable.

In my video I walk you through some acupressure points you can use that will allow you to begin to have some relief in minutes.

Watch my video and find out some easy self-care tips you can use to relieve indigestion.

Another good tip I forgot to remind you of when it comes to helping your digestion is simply taking slow deep breathes. 

I talk a lot about the importance of breathing into your diaphragm in many of my videos. Slow deep breathes will help you activate the parasympathetic nervous system which is the state you are in when you are relaxed.  

For those of you dealing with digestive issues, it is important for you to remember to take slow deep breathes to put your body into a healing state, you can only digest food efficiently when you are in the parasympathetic state. 

What are ways you have used to deal with indigestion? Please share and comment below!

With Love and Gratitude, 
