I Don’t Have Time to Meditate!

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I cannot tell you how many times I have heard from people that they do not have time to meditate! OR They say meditation doesn’t work for them because it is impossible to keep their mind quiet. 

Well I am here to debunk those excuses!

First of all, there is no time limit you have to put on meditation in order for it to work. You can meditate as little as a couple minutes a day and you will still reap the benefits. 

As far as not being able to quiet your mind, you don’t have to! The whole point of meditation is allowing the thoughts to come up but then simply letting them go. Realizing that those thoughts are not you. When a thought comes up, acknowledge it and then just bring your concentration back to your breath and you will immediately bring yourself back into the present moment. 

Meditation and mindfulness are both great for keeping you present. Allowing you to experience your life in that very moment. 

Unfortunately most of us live in the past or worry about the future. Think about the things you do daily in your routine. I bet if you are like most people you are not actually thinking about that “thing” you are performing, maybe it is brushing your teeth, taking a shower, eating or walking your dog, your mind is probably thinking about what you need to get done today, how to have that conversation with your boss, the bills that are piling up, what you will make for dinner, how can you leave the job you are in for another, etc. You get my point. 

Think of it this way, you cannot get a moment, a day, a month or year back. 

Meditation and mindfulness can help you learn how to be more present in your life. 

In the video below I show you an EASY, QUICK way you can begin to meditate!



If you are new to meditation just try doing the smiling meditation for 1 to 2 minutes. I guarantee you will feel more relaxed, happier and energized. Once you are comfortable with 2 minutes add another couple minutes and so on. Maybe you will find that you can work your way up to 15 minutes or even more. 

There have been numerous studies done around meditation and its benefits. Consider it like exercise for your mind. It literally increases the grey matter density in your brain!

Do you already meditate on a regular basis? If not, try the smiling meditation for a couple of weeks and then come back and share your results! 

With Love and Gratitude, 
