EASY way to get rid of bad habits and replace them with good ones!

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Are you struggling with a habit that you cannot seem to break?

If so, you will want to watch my video and learn a simple technique you can use to change a habit, attitude or health concern in less than a few minutes a day!

Temporal tapping is an ancient technique that has been around for thousands of years. It works so effectively because as you tap around the temporal bone, which is where the triple warmer meridian runs, the brain is more susceptible to learning while temporarily suspending other sensory input.

You are also sedating the triple warmer meridian which is a huge player in our energy system because it governs the immune system, the flight, fight, freeze mode and the body’s habit response. By calming the part of the nervous system that fights to maintain your habits, it is easier to introduce a new one.

With temporal tapping you are also taking advantage of the right and left hemispheres of the brain. They each have a different function. Think of the left hemisphere as more critical and negative whereas the right side is more positive and believing.

Begin by identifying a habit, attitude or health concern that you would like to change. Now describe the change you would like to see happen around the issue you chose. Try to come up with a short sentence that would express what that would look like and be sure you make it in the present tense as if the desired condition already exists.

Then you are going to come up with a statement using similar words from the sentence you created but you are going to add a negative word like no, never, not or don’t.

Although they both will basically be positive statements, the statement with the negative word in it will be used to tap around the left side of the ear.

Here are some examples of sentences you could use: 

Around Left Ear

I no longer bite my nails

I don’t feel the need to smoke anymore

I no longer get anxious in social situations

Around Right Ear

My nails look beautiful

I love that I am smoke free and healthy

I always feel calm and confident in social situations

After you create your sentences, you will tap around your ear placing your fingers in a claw like position and as you start tapping from your temporal area, down and around your ear, your fingers will feel like they are bouncing off your head. You will tap each sentence 5-7 times over the appropriate ear. Try doing it 5 times a day. The more you do it, the faster the habit will change.

If you feel like you are not having a shift you may need to reevaluate your language. Just like with EFT, it works best if you use your language and really think about what your intention is. Also, make sure you are really concentrating on the statements while you are tapping and saying them, or your mind will be wandering somewhere else, and your brain will not make the connection to make the change.

The temporal tap is so powerful because you are using a variety of elements such as repetition, autosuggestion and neurological reprogramming.

Pick a habit you would like to change and try this technique out for 30 days. Try to suspend your skepticism during that time and just set your intention for change. Our bodies are always talking to us and always gathering messages from us. The biggest gift you can give yourself is to start listening to your body and tap into your own natural healing ability!

Remember, you truly are equipped with the power to change your life affecting mind, body and spirit. You can start today by using a few of the tools I share with you on my website,  and begin implementing them into your daily routine.

Have you ever tried temporal tapping? What is one habit you would like to change? I would love for you to share your thoughts on this subject!

With Love and Gratitude,
