Feeling Overwhelmed or Confused? Try this!

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All of us have experienced overwhelm at one time or another in our lives. Maybe it is due to a bad relationship, finances, unstable job, too much on your plate, preparing for a presentation, etc. Whatever the reason, the exercise I walk you through in this video will help immensely! 

Watch and follow along!

Although I do this exercise every morning as part of my daily routine, I find that this is also one of my favorite go-to exercises I use throughout my day. 

How do I apply it?

  • Helps me think more clearly so I can work more efficiently
  • Reduces any stress or overwhelm I may be experiencing 
  • Allows me to process and retain information easily
  • Helps me focus right before I present at a workshop so my message comes through clearly
  • Reduces intense feelings if I am really sad or angry about something

It is an awesome exercise that will help you regulate your emotions and be able to see things with a better perspective. 

Did you give it a try? What did you notice? 

With Love and Gratitude, 
