How to Easily Add Exercise to Your Daily Routine

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I know the biggest resolution most people make for the New Year is to get fit and healthy. The problem is it is also the biggest resolution that gets broken. If that is your resolution then I want to give you a tip that will allow you to follow through and stick with it.

The key to creating a new habit is to attach them to a habit you are already performing regularly on a daily basis. Think of the current habit as a reminder to perform your new habit. Start by making a list of the habits you perform every day. For example…..

  • Taking a shower
  • Brushing your teeth
  • Making coffee
  • Use the restroom
  • Put on your shoes
  • Turn off lights
  • Watch TV

Then you pick one of those habits for your reminder to perform the new habit. Maybe before you get in the shower you will do 5 push-ups or while you brush your teeth you will march in place. Maybe while you wait for your coffee you could do 5 jumping jacks.

The key is to start simple. What most people do when they decide to start implementing exercise into their life is they jump in full force. It is hard to go from not working out to committing to 30 minutes 5 days a week but it would be easy to add a few push-ups to your routine before a shower or do a few jumping jacks before you put on your shoes.

This concept will really work for any new habit you want to create whether it is exercise, meditating, eating healthier or decluttering your house the key is to start with one habit and work on it until it becomes completely automatic before you begin working on a new one.

Be patient with yourself as you follow this process. Eventually the new habit will be as automatic as brushing your teeth!

How to Easily Add Exercise to Your Daily Routine

What new habits do you want to create? Did you find the tips in this video helpful?

I would love to hear from you so share your comments below.

With Love and Gratitude,
