Learn to Strengthen and Flush Spleen

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Have you ever really thought about whether your spleen is strong and functioning properly?

If not, you should! Your spleen is directly related to how well you manage your thoughts, concentrate, your ability to make good decisions and set intentions, all of which require a strong spleen.

It activates the metabolism of thoughts, medication and food. So it is not only digesting food, but also the stimulus and information you are taking in on a daily basis. With a world that is “always on” with technology, we put a huge burden on our spleen. 

I am going to bet that you eat at least one meal if not all three, while you are on your phone, tablet, computer, watching TV or reading. This really overloads our spleen. 

Watch my video and find out how you can strengthen your spleen in less than 1 minute!

By performing this simple exercise you will not only help metabolize food, medication and thoughts but you will also:

  • Help boost your immune system
  • Keep your body functioning at its optimal level
  • Increase your energy
  • Speed your recovery if you are sick or feel like you are coming down with a cold/illness
  • Clear out stagnate energy
  • Helps you adjust to new situations

Other ways you can strengthen your spleen is by avoiding really cold/icy drinks. Since your spleen is responsible for metabolizing food it does this using heat, so nice warm drinks or soups helps to keep the spleen energy strong. 

When you are about to eat a meal try doing it without any technology. Just be mindful of what you are eating and chew your food! Most of us tend to chew far less than we should and this makes the spleen’s job harder.

When your spleen energy is strong you will feel more energetic, your digestion will work properly and you will be able to think more clearly.

Do you think you burden your spleen? Give this exercise a try for 30 days and let me know the changes you experience!

With Love and Gratitude, 
