This Exercise will Relieve Sinus Pressure and Improve Breathing

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If you are feeling congested, coming down with a cold, suffering with a cold or sinus pressure try this simple exercise in the video below and you will immediately expand your breathing.

The exercise I just showed you in the video is called cupping. You start with your left arm extended out, palm up and now you cup the inside of your arm firmly. You then flip your arm over and cup the outside of your left arm. You do each side a minimum of 5 seconds but it is better if you can do it longer. You will always start this exercise with your left arm because it stimulates the brain to produce endorphins that help you relax.

You will then extend your right arm, palm up and repeat the process above. You will end the exercise by vigorously tapping your fists on your upper chest area, similar to how Tarzan would do it 🙂

Cupping is a very beneficial exercise for your breathing system. The lung meridian (energy channel) runs through your arm and is very close to the surface on the under side of your arm. By cupping your arms you are increasing oxygen flow to your lungs and sinuses. It is a great way to expand your breathing and relieve  any congestion you may be feeling.

Did you perform the exercise with me? Did you feel an expansion in your chest giving you the ability to breathe more freely?

I would love for you to share your comments below!

With Love and Gratitude,
